My Love Story(Part-6)

Love is undoubtedly an important part of our life. It is a wonderful feeling that inspired us to become the best. Love allows us to see the good out of the bad and teaches us to value the little things in life. If you are in love, you can see good things even with evil eyes. To fall in love is not a crime, but it can be counted as a crime when you fall in love with the wrong person which results in the conversion of you becoming a criminal.

It hurts and it hurts bad. Memories don't hurt, Love doesn't hurt. Well actually it's the attachment that hurts, it's the expectation that hurts, and it's the imagined future which is broken that hurts. 

She is the one that I used to love truly. But now she just walks out of my life for some reason, this hurts. Well now her memories haunt me. The one whom, I love with all entities is now bringing tears in my life. Tears, well not because I lost her, but because there was something that we could have forever, but now it's not there. That hurts. Sometimes we love people more than the memories they gave us. Yes, we share some sorrow memories but the more these memories were there, the more the amount of love used to increased between us. She was a bit inflame and a hot mess, hard to deal with.    

"Expectations hurt in proportion to the emotional investment," every person before falling in love must be aware of this relation between expectation and emotional investment. So, they can grieve in peace later when the relationship fails. Whenever we are too much attached to someone or something, we grow attachment and that attachment leads to expectations. These expectations when fulfill is an awesome experience. But when these dreams don't come true, it stings and hunts and kills from within.  

We both are equally responsible for this ending. I am responsible, and so, does she. Over protectiveness, Selfiesness, Immature Attitude, Disrespect, Possessive nature, unhealthy behavior this all became the weapon of destruction that destroyed the foundation of our relationship. But the main reason for the separation was, I wasn't in my natural state. The smoke in my head which was trying to help me to escape my reality but was letting me hide in my dreams, I was in that state where nothing seems wrong or impossible. Letting this smoke destroy my mind and my relation, I was changing my natural behavior. Being psychoactive, I lost my sense of "how much I love her and what she meant to me in my life?" Anger, temper, frustration started slowly to increase inside me and that alter our relationship, which developed the overprotective and possessive nature. 

I expose my heart fully and without any fear, and was willing to surrender to the one I love, I open up my soul. And in doing so, I become emotionally wounded. The past might heal as the flow of energy become unblock. But there is nothing more powerful than true love. I couldn't feel this powerful flow of energy, my past hasn't been blocked yet, this might be the reason why my wounds are not healed yet. But one thing which I learned from her is that "no matter how much you are hurt or wounded, just don't express it and try finding that happiness in something else or someone else." 

Getting over it is by forgiving and moving on with life accepting that you will never get over that, so-called "true love". 

"Forgiveness is your trait."

I want to forgive you because I want peace inside my mind and don't want to hold grudges against anyone in my life. 

"I am forgiving you because I have a stronger heart.

I am forgiving you because I am stronger than you. 

I am forgiving you because I was in love with you."

I am forgiving you and forgetting you, slowly those memories which we spend together are fading away. The mirror isn't showing your reflection anymore. But still, that mirror isn't broken, some memories are still there. I don't want you to come back in my life or something miracle to happen, I just want, you to admire my love and show some respect to my feeling. Well for me, you weren't my timepass.      

Strongest people are those who forgive others, and I know you also have a strong heart, you are also stronger. I guess one sorry might not be a big deal for you because someone has told

                "Forgive but don't forget the lessons learned". 


Everyone has a right to fall in love or develop some kind of attachment to someone. If you have guts then express your feeling and if he/she says, "No" then don't try to force them. You cannot force someone to love you. Love is a feeling that emerges from your heart, it's pure soul. Don't ruin this feeling to satisfy your physical desire. Stop this chaos and violence which are practiced as an act of love.     




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